A brief glimpse of our work.

ITP (Immune thrombocytopenia) & MG (Myasthenia Gravis)

ITP (Immune thrombocytopenia) is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system mistakes the platelets as being foreign and destroys them.

 Prevalence: 3 per 100,000

■ MG (Myasthenia Gravis) is a neuromuscular disorder caused by an error in the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles. It occurs when normal communication between the nerve and muscle is interrupted at the neuromuscular junction.

 Prevalence: 23 per 100,000

■ Sample size

 ITP – Physician n=6, Patient n=2
 MG – Physician n=6, Patient/caregiver n=8

■ Methodology

 Patient/caregiver – All 75 min WATIS with online diary homework
 Physicians – All 60 min WATIS with patient chart research


IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease)

■ UC (Ulcerative colitis)

 Prevalence: 133 per 100,000

■ Methodology

 Physician n=6, Patient n=8 CLT


CD (Crohn’s disease)

■ UC (Ulcerative colitis)

 Prevalence: 32 per 100,000

■ Methodology

 Physician n=6, Patient n=7 – All at the venue


ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)

■ UC (Ulcerative colitis)

 Prevalence: 2.5 per 100,000

■ Methodology

 Physician n=18, Caregiver n=8


Blood Diseases

○ Hemophilia A 

■ Methodology

 Physician n=10, Patient/caregiver n=10

 Research regarding blood derivatives, devices (video assignments + interviews)

AML (Acute myeloid leukemia)

■ Methodology

 Physicians n=4, Patient/caregiver n=6

 Diaries + Interviews

CML (Chronic myelogenous leukemia)

■ Methodology

 Physician n=6, Patient n=6

CAR-T Therapy

■ Methodology

 Physician n=6, Patient n=2


Malignant tumors

■ Lung cancer + digestive system cancer (colon cancer, stomach cancer, pancreas cancer, liver cancer)

■ Methodology

 Physician n=22, 16 Patients/caregiver n=16, Patient group n=4